We respect your privacy

The Define Sleep respects your right to privacy. This policy explains how we collect and handle your personal information, which includes any identifiable information about you. Please carefully read this policy to understand how we treat your information. Note that this policy may change periodically, as described below.

What personal information we collect

We may collect the following types of personal information from you:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Information from inquiries you have made
  • Communications between us

How we collect your personal information

As part of our operations, we collect your personal data through various channels, including electronic interactions, face-to-face engagements, website accessibility, and service delivery. We place a high value on the privacy and security of your information, and we take all necessary measures to ensure that it is kept confidential and protected from unauthorized access or use.

Use of your personal information

We value your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. By using our website, you agree to collect, process, and use your information as detailed in the “Use of Your Personal Information” section.

Personalized Experience: Your preferences, sleep patterns, and interests can be utilized to enhance your experience on our website. This information may be used to customize content, recommendations, and resources tailored to your unique needs.

Communication: Your contact details may be used to send you vital updates, newsletters, and information related to sleep health, new features, or promotions. If you want to stop receiving these communications, you can opt out at any time by following the instructions provided.

Improvement of Services: Your interactions with our website help us understand how users engage with different features. We analyze this data to improve our website’s functionality, user interface, and overall user experience.

Research and Analysis: Aggregated and anonymous data may be used for research purposes, such as studying sleep trends and patterns. This data will not personally identify you and will be used solely for statistical analysis.

Security and Legal Compliance: Your personal information may be used to ensure our website’s safety and comply with applicable laws and regulations. This includes protecting against unauthorized access and maintaining the integrity of our services.

Marketing and Promotions: With your explicit consent, we may use your personal information to provide tailored recommendations, promotions, and special offers related to sleep-related products and services.

Feedback and Support: If you provide feedback or contact our support team, your information may be used to respond to your inquiries, address your concerns, and improve our services based on your feedback.

Disclosure of your personal information

We do not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to third parties. Your information will only be shared as described in our Privacy Policy, and you have the right to access, correct, or delete your personal information by contacting us at [contact@definesleep.com].

Security of your personal information

At our Website, we have implemented several security protocols and measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access. For instance, we use encryption technology to secure your data and restrict access to only authorized personnel. Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized parties will never access your information. In such an event, we will immediately mitigate any potential damage and notify you as soon as possible.


Parents must monitor their children’s online activities. The Service is not designed or intended to gather personal information from children under thirteen. In line with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, we kindly request that children under thirteen refrain from providing personal information through the Service. If you are a parent or guardian and discover that your child under thirteen has provided us with personal information, don’t hesitate to contact us at the email address below.

Share Your Stories and Experience

We love hearing from our users and believe their stories and experiences are precious. To make sure that we only share genuine and trustworthy information with our audience, we have a thorough checking process before uploading your stories to our website. It’s not like guest posting – we’re committed to providing high-quality content for everyone. If you’ve found a pillow that’s helped you sleep better, we’d be thrilled if you shared your experience with us. Our team will carefully review your content and publish it on our website so that others can benefit from your insights. If you are one of those people who is happy helping others, then this is an excellent opportunity for you. You can use the email below to share your stories with us. It’s our way of saying thank you to our fantastic users for sharing their stories with us and the world. [contact@definesleep.com].

Complaints about privacy

At our Website, we strive to uphold the highest standards of privacy practices. However, we encourage you to contact us if we have fallen short and have any complaints or concerns.

To file a complaint, please email [contact@definesleep.com] with the details of your concerns. We take all complaints seriously and will respond promptly upon receiving written notice of your complaint.

We value your feedback and are committed to addressing any issues promptly and effectively to ensure that our customers’ privacy is always protected.

Updates to this Policy

Our Website recognizes the significance of safeguarding the privacy and security of our users’ information. Therefore, we may need to revise this Privacy Policy to adhere to the latest data protection regulations.

We will upload the revised versions onto our Website if and when we change this policy. We recommend you check back periodically to review any updates affecting your use of our services.

We want to reassure you that any modifications we make will align with our promise to safeguard your privacy and uphold your confidence in us. If you have any doubts or queries about our Privacy Policy, don’t hesitate to contact us without hesitation.


As is common practice for many companies, we utilize cookies on our website. Cookies are tiny data files that allow the website to recognize you when you return and to keep track of your usage details. Cookies do not contain malicious software that can harm your computer. Our website utilizes cookies to improve the user experience for all visitors while ensuring their privacy and security.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or would like additional information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our Data Protection. [contact@definesleep.com]

Last updated: 31 August 2023